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Trapped on the Wrong Side of History
Produced by: Richard Paul
In 1939, California farm girl Mary Kimoto Tomita traveled to Japan to learn Japanese and connect with the culture of her ancestors. She boarded a ship two years later to come back home to America. Two days into the voyage, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The ship turned around and Mary was trapped in the middle of a bloody war between the country of her birth and the country of her heritage. Mary's story -- told through interviews and letters from the time -- is a rare glimpse at a piece of the World War II experience.

Program Credits

Trapped on the Wrong Side of History was produced by Richard Paul.


Asian American Arts Alliance
A non-profit service education dedicated to increasing the support, recognition and appreciation of Asian American Artists.

Japanese American National Museum
A museum dedicated to educating the public about the Japanese American experience as an integral part of our nation's heritage.

The Clearing House for Asian Studies
A clearinghouse of bibliographies for researchers in Asian Studies and Social Sciences.

Dear Miye: Letters Home from Japan, 1939-1946
by: Mary Kimoto Tomita 1995
Read Mary's book of letters to Miye, for an indepth personal account of a tumultous era in world history.

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